Lets face it. Everybody dreams of pearly whites like their favorite movie stars. A Bright white smile can do wonders for your confidence and image.
Alternatively, stained yellow teeth can have the opposite effect.
You probably already know that there are lots of different foods that stain your teeth.
Some are well-known, others aren’t!
Here are 5 foods that will stain your teeth.
1. Soy sauce
Fans of Japanese and Chinese cuisine might not be happy to learn that too much soy sauce could leave their teeth stained. Any dark liquid has the potential to stain your teeth, especially soy sauce as it is such a concentrated liquid!
Soy sauce is also very high in sodium.
2. Coffee
One of the biggest Culprits of stained teeth !
Coffee, especially black coffee, will stain your teeth. Be careful espresso lovers!
People will often brush their teeth and then immediately rush out to grab a cup of coffee on the way to work.
This is damaging , as your teeth are porous, which means that they naturally absorb the liquid that you put into your mouth.
Even if you are simply having one to two cups a day, the darkness of the coffee can easily darken your teeth.
You can prevent some staining by adding a little bit of milk to your coffee, which will lighten its color and provide you with some much-needed calcium.
3. Tea
As a substitution for regular coffee drinkers , many hope that drinking tea will prevent their teeth from becoming stained. Unfortunately this isn’t the case.
As tea is still full of tannins, it will still stain your teeth depending on the type of tea that you like.
You guessed right , the darker the tea is the more likely it is to stain your teeth.
TIP: Choose green or white teas over black. These stain your teeth a little less.
4. Red Wine
The main cause of staining from red wine is from these things called “chromogens”. These are pigment-producing substances abundant in red wine that can adhere on to dental enamel and stain teeth.
Tannins in red wine and drinks we consume also help chromagens bind to the teeth, leaving unattractive stains.
Less obvious than the fact that red wine stains teeth, is that white wine can also yellow your teeth. One of the reasons for this is because white wine is highly acidic. High acidity can slowly erode your enamel away (the white part of the teeth) to cause more dentin (the sensitive yellow part of the teeth) to show through, causing the appearance of yellow teeth.
5. Tomato sauce
Tomato sauce is an absolute favorite in many households. The dark, rich color of the tomatoes indicates that it is high in antioxidants and vitamins that your body needs.
TIP: Eat a salad before, greens like lettuce and broccoli will actually create a film on your teeth that will prevent staining from occurring.
What To Do AFTER eating foods that stain your teeth:
Eat Crunchy Vegetables
They act as a detergent for your teeth. Foods like raw carrots, cauliflower, and celery helps to wash away stains on the teeth naturally.
Don’t brush directly after eating acidic foods
Rinse with water, and wait 30 minutes to 1 hour before brushing. After eating acidic foods, the enamel on your teeth has softened. By brushing too soon, you can wear away the protective enamel.
Waiting until the teeth re-mineralize is best. Swish your mouth with water and wait 30 minutes, to remove food residue and the potential for foods that stain your teeth without damaging the structure of your teeth.
We hope this post provided you with value and made you more aware on how you can
maintain your best smile.
If you are interested in a check up or for teeth whitening services, be sure to click here we are always here to assist.